Mountains of electronic evidence. New discoverable digital channels. Everchanging data privacy laws. New technology and its dramatic impact on legal matters. Navigating the sea of modern, data-centric litigation has become a real (#!@*&%) challenge.

Nextpoint Law Group is your true advantage.

A Data-Driven Approach

Nextpoint Law Group is transforming the legal industry by combining cutting-edge technology with on-demand legal services. As the leading provider of cloud-based legal technology, our sister company Nextpoint has been at the forefront of innovation for 22 years.

An ABS law firm based in Arizona, Nextpoint Law Group supports clients and their outside counsel at every stage of the litigation lifecycle. Our team of seasoned professionals delivers keenly data-driven solutions.

An Extension of Your Team

We can help with legal research, drafting, navigating discovery obligations, data-intensive early case assessment, deposition prep, trial strategy, and much, much more.

Our experienced litigators, consultants, para-professionals, and project managers will join your team, backed by the power of state-of-the-art legal tech. We’re excited to partner with you and deliver unparalleled digital solutions that will simplify your workflows and put your firm ahead of the rest.

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    We can support your team in a multitude of ways.