Construction Litigation

Handling data in construction cases is a challenge. Extracting BIM/CAD data from any number of different software platforms. Capturing mobile phone data from the people in the field. Working out how to best present images at deposition or trial. All require a cohesive strategy right from the beginning.

Construction Litigation Support

Our experienced engineers, ediscovery experts, litigators, and graphics experts offer a turnkey solution for construction clients and their outside counsel.

We can help develop an appropriate strategy, and then execute it, from preservation to trial. We can even offer solutions for shared resources among parties to dramatically reduce technology costs.

An Extension of Your Team

Engage us for legal research, drafting, navigating discovery obligations, data-intensive early case assessment, deposition prep, trial strategy, and much, much more.

Our seasoned litigators, consultants, para-professionals, and project managers will join your team, backed by the power of state-of-the-art technology and data strategy.

We’re excited to partner with you and deliver unparalleled digital solutions that will simplify your workflows and put your firm ahead of the rest.

Ready to talk to us about support for your next matter?